Self Guided Tour of St. Luke's Church

Stained Glass
Windows are designed to take you on a chronological journey through the life of Christ.
The journey begins with the window nearest the pulpit in the nave (main body of the church). This window is of the Annunciation: the angel
Gabriel announces to Mary that she will be the mother of the Christ.
Continuing toward the rear of the church, scenes include: Jesus’ birth, the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, Jesus in the Temple at age 12 and Jesus’ baptism at the hand of St. John the Baptist in the River Jordan.
Crossing to the other side of the nave and going forward, scenes depicted are: Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus, Jesus at the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany, the crucifixion, the empty tomb on Easter morning and Jesus breaking breads with those He joined on the road to Emmaus.
The journey ends over the altar in the east end with the Te Deum window (pictured above). Here the mighty re-ascended Christ is pictured standing, with clouds under His feet, on the round world. His kingly and priestly offices are depicted in this window. At the bottom is a banner reading “Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ.”
Members of the Needlepoint Guild, under the direction of Mr. Lowell Jacks, one of the South’s leading authorities on needlepoint design, have given the church an impressive array of handcrafted Altar and pew kneelers, seat covers and hatchments.
The guild worked for over 13 years. Designs were hand-drawn by Mr. Jacks.
The Royal Crest (pictured at right) hangs over the bishop’s chair in the sanctuary, near the High Altar.

Boss of the Four Living Creatures Carving
Designed and executed by Aiden Hart of Shropshire, England, the ceiling boss at the centre of the crossing over the choir, is based on the ivory cover of an 11th century Evangilary, a book of the Gospels.
It depicts the symbols of the four Evangelists (Gospel writers).
Richard Hooker Wilmer Cross
The processional cross attached to the choir stalls is associated with Richard Hooker Wilmer, the only Bishop to be consecrated in the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America during the War Between the States.
The Rev. Mr. Wilmer was elected Bishop of Alabama in 1863 while serving as Rector of Emmanuel Church, Brook Hill, Virginia. The cross was crafted in New Jersey in the late 1850s.
Members of the Brook Hill congregation sent it to Alabama for Bishop Wilmer’s work there.

Other Items and Places of Interest
Jennus Chapel
This small chapel, also known as the Chapel of the British Saints, is located in the North Transept.
The latter name comes from needlepoint designs on chairs found in the chapel. These depict symbols of early saints from the British Isles.
The Altar, credence shelf and Altar cross were crafted by Robert Jennus who also oversaw the 2011 addition on St. Luke’s Church.
The round window over the Altar depicts the Agnus Dei (the Lamb of God), a symbol of Christ. You might want to take a seat and spend a few minutes sitting quietly reflecting on Christ’s sufferings on the cross and His victory over sin and death won there.
Framed Manuscript
Attached to the wall to the right before entering the Jennus Chapel is a leaf from a medieval manuscript Bible: Paris, France, mid-13th century, in Latin, on vellum.
The page contains a portion of the Old Testament book of Jeremiah.
St. Luke Icon
Located in the stairwell off the Narthex (front foyer), the icon was painted on Mount Athos, a mountain and peninsula in north- eastern Greece.
Mount Athos has been inhabited since ancient times and is known for its nearly 1,800-year continuous Christian presence and its long historical monastic traditions, which date back to at least 800 A.D.
The graves of a number of early settlers are located in the churchyard.
Of particular interest is a stonewall enclosure containing the graves of the Witzel family. At the turn of the 20th century, the Witzels were the largest landowners in Fannin County. They operated a hotel and dry goods store near where the Blue Ridge City Hall now stands.
The elder Witzel served in the Georgia General Assembly. Also behind the church are an herb garden and a memorial garden.
Opening times for visitors
The church is open most days (Monday through Friday) from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Visitors are welcomed throughout the year. Guided tours for groups are available upon request by contacting the church office.